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Golf Digest Best Young Teachers Award

If you haven’t grabbed your January 2021 copy of Golf Digest, you need to do that ASAP. You might find a familiar face with his first published tip in one of the game’s most popular magazines!

For the first time my career, I have been awarded a coveted spot on the Golf Digest Best Young Teachers list! Throughout my career, coaches have emphasized that the next generation is standing on the shoulders of their predecessors. Even when said wisdom is heeded, the phrase’s gravity doesn’t sink in until a moment like this. It is cause to think back to all of the family, friends, and supporters like you who have helped me reach this career milestone. After all, without my mentors and students, how far along would I really be?

To my mentors, thank you for investing the time in my growth. To my students, thank you for trusting me with your putting performance.

To my family, I wouldn’t have the same motivation without you. Owe you more than I can type in a year’s worth of posts. Thank you. Check out the article below

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